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The Doerfel Family
12 Step Music Fest 2011
CLICK HERE to order the Doerful's CD's
The Florida Keys.

Dawn Wllder
4th Annual 12 Step Music Fest
CLICK HERE to order Dawn's CD's
Sugarloaf Key, Florida.

Photo's provide by Nitros Digital

12 Step Music Fest 2011 Photos and Videos in Sugarloaf Key, FL

High Definition videos of the event have been posted throughout the photo coverage pages.
As with any of my galleries, feel free to copy the photos for your personal use. Due to recent abuse of my photo policy, If you add them to any social website (Facebook, Twitter, my Space, etc), limit it to a maximum of 5 photos and give credit to with a link back to my site.
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Thank you to all who allowed the Cycleshotz! staff to photograph and video them!

Ride Safe, Ride Free
Nitro, Mongo, TaTa, and Kathy

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The Doerfel Family
12 Step Music Fest 2011
CLICK HERE to order the Doerful's CD's
The Florida Keys.

Section 1 Thursday 8 PM until 3:20 PM Friday 12 Step Music Fest 2011 photos and videos
Sugarloaf Key, FL.

Section 2 Friday after 3:20 PM 12 Step Music Fest 2011 photos and videos
Sugarloaf Key, FL.

Section 3 Saturday after 7:00 PM 12 Step Music Fest 2011 photos and videos
Sugarloaf Key, FL.

Section 4 Sunday after 11:00 AM 12 Step Music Fest 2011 photos and videos
Sugarloaf Key, FL.

Click on Thumbnail photo for larger view.

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